Child Care Assistance Program

Chickasaw Nation Residents

This program provides financial assistance for child care to First American families. Participants can choose from a broad range of child care providers.

Applicants must be First American citizens who live in the Chickasaw Nation service area, meet income eligibility requirements and work or attend school. Additional eligibility requirements may apply.

See contact information, program details or locations.


The eligibility criterion for the program is based on household size, income and the needs of the applicant. Applicants must be working or attending school and meet income requirements.
You Provide
  • Completed application
  • CDIB for the child
  • Immunization records
  • Income verification
  • Class schedule and/or work schedule
  • Social Security card for the child
  • Utility bills
  • Divorce decree (if applicable)
  • Birth certificate for child
For information regarding application process, contact us.
Required Forms and Documents


(580) 421-7711
(580) 436-0128


No upcoming events.

Program Details

Provides child care funding to eligible First American families. Applicants must live within the Chickasaw Nation Service area.

The program permits parents to choose from a broad range of child care providers, including tribal child care centers, family child care providers, center-based child care centers, and relative providers. In order for the provider to receive payment, they must meet licensing requirements. Child care assistance serves hundreds of children and is open to First American families only.


Douglas H. Johnston Building

Ada, Oklahoma 74820