Code of Ethics

Employees and officials have the obligation to act in ways that will merit the trust, confidence and respect of Chickasaw citizens and the general public; therefore, our employees and officials should lead professional lives that embody an exemplary system of values and ethics.

In fulfilling their commitments and obligations to Chickasaw citizens and others served, employees and officials function as moral advocates. Since every decision affects the health and well-being of those being served, officials and employees must carefully evaluate the possible outcomes of their decisions. In organizations that deliver services such as ours, they must work to safeguard and foster the rights, interests and prerogatives of those we serve. The role of moral advocate requires that employees speak out and take actions necessary to promote such rights, interests and prerogatives if they are threatened.

Chickasaw Nation Executive Department employees and officials shall:

  1. Uphold the values, ethics and mission of the Chickasaw Nation and any applicable standards set forth by professional organizations.
  2. Conduct all personal and professional activities with honesty, integrity, respect, fairness and good faith, in a manner that will reflect well upon the Chickasaw Nation and its people.
  3. Comply with all tribal, federal, state and applicable laws.
  4. Maintain competence and proficiency while continuing to improve both professional and personal growth by using training and continued professional education.
  5. Not exploit professional relationships for personal gain. This code shall be used to further the interests of the Chickasaw Nation, not for selfish reasons.
  6. Respect professional confidences and the privacy of information and records and comply with all Privacy Act requirements (e.g., any confidential information about patients or clients; the “business” of the Chickasaw Nation … programs/departments/services; personnel information; and salaries).
  7. Uphold and enhance the dignity and image of the Chickasaw Nation through positive public conduct.
  8. Refrain from participating in any activity which demeans the credibility and dignity of the Chickasaw Nation.

Every Chickasaw Nation Executive Department employee and official shall, within the scope of his authority:

  1. Ensure the existence of a process to evaluate the quality of service provided.
  2. Not practice or facilitate any form of discrimination but institute safeguards to prevent discriminatory organizational practices notwithstanding the rights to practice preferential hiring as outlined by the Chickasaw Nation Code of Laws and federal guidelines established for Indian tribal governments.
  3. Provide a process that ensures the autonomy and self-determination of the people we serve.
  4. Ensure the existence of procedures that will protect the privacy of individuals served and the privacy of employees and officials.
  5. Provide services consistent with available resources and work to ensure the existence of a resource allocation process that considers all ethical ramifications.
  6. Lead the organization in the use and improvement of standards of management and sound business practices.
  7. Respect the customs, practices, pride and dignity of all clients we serve.
  8. Be truthful in all forms of professional and organizational communication and disseminate no information that is false, misleading or deceptive.
  9. Maintain a working environment conducive for underscoring employee ethical conduct and behavior.
  10. Provide an atmosphere in which individuals may freely express ethical concerns and provide mechanisms for discussing and addressing such concerns.
  11. Provide a working environment which is free from harassment, sexual and other; coercion of any kind, especially to perform illegal or unethical acts.
  12. Ensure a working environment that is conducive to proper use of employees’ skills and abilities.
  13. Pay particular attention to employees’ work environment and job safety.